



    An ETH Denominated NFT Asset Acquisition Fund




    Deploying a Maximum of 1,000 ETH to acquire NFT Assets of a Single NFT Project





    Club Members do not need to be Accredited Investors




    Web3X Investment Club Fund

    A Private Digital Asset (NFT) Investment Opportunity


    FUND PURPOSE (NFT Commerce)

    The purpose of this Fund is to bing together Digital Asset Investors privately invited by SMARTR, to pool their capital in order to jointly acquire a portfolio of premium NFT assets from SMARTR in volume and purchased at wholesale, pertaining exclusively to SMARTR's Web3 NFT Xperience! Travel Club & Expo, a premium NFT project.


    The Web3 NFT Xperience! Travel Club & Expo is a Tier 1 NFT Project created and being launched by SMARTR and is the world's first Web3 technology focused "Impact Travel" Club and Expo, all designed to greatly accelerate the adoption of Web3 technology solutions by global travel industry businesses to enhance the travel client experience, while also drawing tens of millions of travel loving consumers worldwide, into the Web3 economy.


    Once the assets have been purchased with the pooled investment funds, the club members will then collectively leverage their respective business contacts, to liquidate the NFT assets to businesses which want to participate in the SMARTR Web3 NFT Xperience! Travel Expo, with a prominent business presence. The Investment Club investors, therefore, through the volume acquisition of some of the NFT project's NFT assets, provides an allocation of funds which SMARTR is able to use to ensure optimal global marketing and promotion of its Travel Club and Expo.


    NB. Nothing in the foregoing statements constitute a public offering of securities and is published solely for general information purposes. The investment club fund (pooled capital) is also not structured as securities as no fixed return is offered to members and every member must participate in the asset selection voting and in the asset marketing process, failing which they will NOT be entitled to receive any share of the profits generated, only their invested principal.

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    Investment Club Parameters

    Maximum # of Investment Club Members: 
    99 Members
    Minimum Investment Contribution: 
    1 ETH (in 1 ETH increments)
    Ability to increase Investment prior to closing: 
    Yes/subject to WB3X01 availability
    Investment Club Token Allocation Quantity & Model: 
    10,000 WB3X01 Tokens per 1 ETH Invested
    Who May Join the Club/Fund: 
    By Invitation Only
  • Go to Web3 Xperience Website


    A Travel Club EVERYONE will want to join!

    P U R E . E X H I L A R A T I O N . + . T R A N S F O R M A T I V E . S O C I A L . I M P A C T

    ( A Solid Impact Investment Opportunity Combining Digital & Physical Value )


    W E B 3 X P E R I E N C E . C L U B


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    T R A V E L


    It really does go without saying, that

    regardless of what other interests a person may have, 

    be it fast cars, fashion, sports, music, movies, etc.,

    they all have ONE DEEPEST DESIRE,

    to travel widely and explore the world enjoying truly

    extraordinary experiences with close friends.


    By combining awesome Web3-enabled touches 

    to those travel experiences, then further augmenting 

    the experience with "on the ground" social impact,

    you then have a truly irresistible value

    proposition for the global Millennial and

    Gen-z travel demographic.




    For this reason, there is no question that the "Web3-fication" of global travel will be driven by the tens of millions of Millennial and Gen-z consumers who will be magnetically attracted to the Web3 Xperience! NFT Travel Club and who will inevitably begin to put major pressure on every travel and hospitality business to "up their game" via Web3 integrations especially within travel loyalty programs.


    The Web3 NFT Xperience! Travel Expo, therefore, will attract those travel businesses whose management understand the importance of being and STAYING at the forefront of travel industry consumer experience innovation, especially at a time when consumers the world over are completely weary and frustrated with excessive flight delays and cancellations.


    There simply could not be a more perfect time, therefore, for the world's Airlines, Hotels, Restaurants and Transportation businesses, to "step up" and make a commitment to enhancing the global travel consumer experience.



    The Web3 NFT Xperience! Travel Expo,

    is truly the PERFECT FORUM and solutions showcase,

    to facilitate the travel trade's adoption of Web3.

    Want to learn more about the Web3 NFT Xperience! Travel Club & Expo? 
    Please submit the inquiry form below.
  • Travel Club/Expo Inquiry Form

    Submitting this form will not add you to a mailing list and your personal info won't be shared or sold.